PAE: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at PAE is $77K based on 29 user-submitted salaries
A total of 14 PAE employees gave PAE an average happiness rating of 3.9 out of 5.0.
5I have worked for PAE for about 3 yrs and in my opinion its a great government position. Pays very well but is meant for you to save a lot of your money for trip cancelations. Going out to sea in a military owned civilian ran ship, sometimes trips are canceled and when you dont go out to see, you dont get paid. Overall i love the job especially for a prior active duty Navy sailor
4.1Great for the people who have not worked in a military environment, lots of changes, and continuous adaptation, the only issue I see is the health insurance which is very expensive about S1000 dollars a month even though the company gives you $6.00 dollars an hour extra to compensate.Not much overtime.
2.9Probably one of the cheapest aviation companies I've ever worked for. From the non-existent benefits to being sent TDY at a moment's notice with no real incentive and no allowed overtime, this place is a dud. Not to mention how uptight management is when it comes to purchasing parts or materials. You'd think it's coming out of their kid's college fund! Hourly pay wage is the only good thing even though it never increases.
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