"Great Company!! Enjoyed working with ML Bell Construction."
M L Bell Construction has an overall rating of 5.0 Average Rating out of 5, based on over 1 M L Bell Construction Review Ratings left anonymously by M L Bell Construction employees, which is 28% higher than the average rating for all companies on CareerBliss. 100% of employees would recommend working at M L Bell Construction.
M L Bell Construction employees earn $115,000 annually on average, or $55 per hour, which is 74% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. 1 M L Bell Construction employees have shared their salaries on CareerBliss. Find M L Bell Construction Salaries by Job Title.
100% of employees would recommend working at M L Bell Construction with the overall rating of 5.0 out of 5. Employees also rated M L Bell Construction 5.0 out of 5 for Company Culture, 5.0 for Rewards You Receive, 5.0 for Growth Opportunities and 5.0 for support you get.
According to our data, the highest paying job at M L Bell Construction is a Project Superintendent at $115,000 annually. Browse M L Bell Construction Salaries by Job Profile.
According to our data, the lowest paying job at M L Bell Construction is a Project Superintendent at $115,000 annually. Browse M L Bell Construction Salaries by Job Profile.
According to reviews on CareerBliss, employees commonly rated the pros of working at M L Bell Construction to be Company Culture, Growth Opportunities, People You Work With and Person You Work For, and no cons.
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