What is the average salary for H&R Block employees in Sun Prairie, WI?
H&R Block employees in Sun Prairie, WI earn $19,000 annually on average, or $9 per hour, which is 111% lower than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at H&R Block in Sun Prairie, WI is 39,000 Tax Associate at $a annually.
Average Salaries at H&R Block for Popular Roles in Sun Prairie, WI?
-$11K (44%) less than average H&R Block salary ($30K)
"Underpaid. When looking at the annual report for the revenue I generated, I feel they should have been paying me a minimum of $15 per hour. Personally I feel $20 per hour would have been fair. Remember this is part time work. No benefits."