What is the average salary for H&R Block employees in Kaysville, UT?
H&R Block employees in Kaysville, UT earn $120,000 annually on average, or $58 per hour, which is 58% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at H&R Block in Kaysville, UT is 150,000 AVP of Finance at $an annually while the lowest paying job in a at H&R Block is a QA Manager at $93,000 annually.
Average Salaries at H&R Block for Popular Roles in Kaysville, UT?
+$120K (133%) more than average H&R Block salary ($30K)
"Most of the data that I have seen indicates that I was paid more than comparably titled employees, but I did have a broader role and more industry knowledge which helped the company in other areas, which is probably different from my peers."
What is the highest paying job at H&R Block in Kaysville, UT?
Senior VP of Marketing
is the highest paying job at H&R Block at $150,000 annually in Kaysville, UT.
What is the lowest paying job at H&R Block in Kaysville, UT?
Phone Specialist
is the lowest paying job at H&R Block at $93,000 annually in Kaysville, UT.
How much does H&R Block pay an hour in Kaysville, UT?
On an average H&R Block employees earn approximately $58 per hour in Kaysville, UT.
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