How Much Does General Dynamics Pay in Woodbridge, VA?
What is the average salary for General Dynamics employees in Woodbridge, VA?
General Dynamics employees in Woodbridge, VA earn $108,750 annually on average, or $52 per hour, which is 49% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at General Dynamics in Woodbridge, VA is 120,000 Software Architect at $a annually while the lowest paying job in a at General Dynamics is a Senior Technical Specialist at $70,000 annually.
Average Salaries at General Dynamics for Popular Roles in Woodbridge, VA?
+$48K (50%) more than average General Dynamics salary ($72K)
"In my team there were two non contributors that were commanding salaries that exceeded my salary by an average of $35,000.00 a year. The reason for my change is the move to an uncertain future in Detroit rather than the salary constraints."