On average, employees in Woonsocket, RI at CVS give their company a 2.9 rating out of 5.0 based on 18, whereas overall Average Rating of CVS is 3.6 out of 5.0 based on 370 CVS Review Ratings. The happiest CVS employees in Woonsocket, RI are Lead Architects submitting an average rating of 5.0 and Anonymous Employees with a rating of 3.5.
"Great company to work with. This is actually my second time with the company. Tremendous respect and admiration for the CEO. A very supportive environment that treats its employees with respect and encourages everyone to have a balanced lifestyle."
"Cvs is one of the market leader in pharmacy and with Aetna acquisition it solidified itself as leaders in it field in the country. The company is customer focused and strong work ethics."
"I've worked for CVS in the pharmacy for over 6 years. It would be best for them to just get out of the store front pharmacy business. They have a PBM and an insurance company and are focused on everything except actually running a pharmacy correctly. PBMs are destroying pharmacy anyway, so maybe would be best for CVS to focus on that, since the only interest corporate has is making more money this week than last with no concern for safety or health of their employees. Trying to get the right meds in the patient's hand and make sure they know how to take them and all corporate wants to know is why I'm not selling more CarePass."
"It is very nice experience with current job"
"I started as a UX designer for the mobile app at CVS Pharmacy in April 2018. The company was on the verge of redefining their mobile app experience. They were also in the transition from waterfall methodology to agile/lean methodologies. Some of the teams were already pods, some of them "CVS Agile", some of them "CVS Scrum", and other "CVS XP". The mobile app pod was an "Extreme Programming" and I use the quotes since it wasn't a true pod. As time passed by, I advocate for best practices in the agile way of doing things and it got to a point where I became the lead UX of the pod and point of reference of how things should be done. Most of the directors, managers, and developers didn't have a clue of what the agile mindset was. In the end, I did what was possible on getting the CVS customer the experience they needed. It was hard since most of the VP's and directors of the company wanted a different experience."
"Ok, first of all, I chose Woonsocket, RI as the location because that is where CVS's headquarters is located, and my complaint is about the company itself, not the store I worked in. The company is the worst company I have ever worked for. They do not take complaints seriously, even when someone is breaking the law and there is tangible proof! Corporate decides how many hours you can schedule in store and they kept cutting them and cutting them leaving it nearly impossible to get what we needed to get done and provide good customer service. We would have one pharmacist and one technician working during a rush when we have three in-person customer stations with customers at them, multiple-line telephones ringing, and acute prescriptions that need to be filled still in the computer! The company is so money-hungry it's outrageous. It's corporate slavery. Not only do I not recommend working here to anyone, but I actively advocate against it! If you can find a well staffed store and can con your way into getting the hours you want to maintain a work/life balance, then you have found a gold-mine, because it does not exist with CVS."
"Good company vision but drives for ROI results by minimizing resources. Burns employees out with little work/life balance considerations."
"The place is fast paced, and ad hoc at best. A lot of smart people work there that are being under utilized due to unrealistic schedules."
"Always something new going on there and a very fun group of people to work with. If I had the opportunity to ever be a part of the store planning group again and work full time, I would take it."
"I have been working in this company for a long time and this is a very good place to work."
"Yes, absolutely, the company is fabulous to work and learn about how Pharmaceutical works"
What do you like about working at CVS?
"I like that CVS Caremark is a fast pace environment, with which you use knowledge base to excel within the company. I also enjoy the ability to utilize the necessary tools to get the job done."
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"I would like the other interviewers to be comfortable and honest and present yourself with confidence (not excessive) and also address every question in a tone within the panel or several interviewers."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"CVS Caremark Management needs the necessary management skills and tools to manage projects better."
"I found working at CVS/Caremark a rewarding experience."
What do you like about working at CVS?
"I liked that the people and the company I was associated with were professional and very knowledgeable."
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"The best advice that I can offer would be for the individual to be a partner and look to develop relationships within the company."
What don't you like about working at CVS?
"There was nothing that I did not like about working for CVS/Caremark."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"Management was very open to suggestions and ideas that were brought forth."
What do you like about working at CVS?
"I liked the co-workers and vendors I got to work with every day. I also liked the low stress level at CVS Caremark."
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"Research what other temps are being paid for said position and then negotiate for it in your interview."
What don't you like about working at CVS?
"The pay scale was unfair. Most of the employees, including myself were temps (through various temp agencies) and even though we all had the same job, we had different pay rates. I also thought that not being hired permanently and being a temp for a year and a half was unfair. Some temps, were temps for over five years with no chance of being hired permanently. Being a temp, you do not receive the same benefits as a permanent employee (like paid sick days and holidays)."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"I would consider how my decisions would not only affect my clients, but how they would affect my employees. I believe a happy employee, is more apt to be loyal and will always give 100% effort to the company."
What do you like about working at CVS?
"I enjoyed that the job at CVS Pharmacy was close to home and was a busy and active project."
What don't you like about working at CVS?
"I didn't like working on short term projects."
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