What is the average salary for Comcast employees in Centennial, CO?
Comcast employees in Centennial, CO earn $79,250 annually on average, or $38 per hour, which is 18% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at Comcast in Centennial, CO is 115,000 Senior Talent Acquisition Consultant at $a annually while the lowest paying job in a at Comcast is a Network Support Engineer at $51,000 annually.
Average Salaries at Comcast for Popular Roles in Centennial, CO?
+$76K (98%) more than average Comcast salary ($39K)
"I worked through an agency, so it was a little less than what I normally make, but really enjoyed the team. As for the folks I was recruiting - for the most part, I found CB to be very competitive in the market."
-$6K (16%) less than average Comcast salary ($39K)
"I feel I am being overpaid because most duties I have been asked to do are tasks that should be completed by someone whom already has obtained IT certifications. This question is a double-edged sword either way I answer it. However, I do seek IT certifications, not an increase in pay. IT Certifications + a well defined career path = higher income."